关于 About

度态建筑是新锐的设计事务所,其工作范畴包括建筑、景观和产品设计。在成立的十年时间里,度态建筑完成了一系列影响力广泛的设计项目,跻身于中国新一代最有创造性的建筑设计事务所之列。度态建筑的工作获得了众多奖项和荣誉,其中包括:2019年英国皇家建筑师协会国际大奖(亚洲区入围),WA世界建筑奖2019设计实验奖(入围),以及2019 DEZEEN设计大奖(入围)。

Dot Architects is a design firm engaged in practices of architecture, landscape and furniture design. Based on a wide range of realized buildings and design projects in the past ten years, the studio has emerged as one of the leading innovators among the new generation of Chinese architecture studios.
Many honors have been awarded to dot Architects, including WA Design Experiment Award 2019 (shortlisted), RIBA International Prize 2019 (shortlisted) and Dezeen Award 2019 (shortlisted).


态:1. 形态;2. 生态;3. 状态。

dot Architects


1.n. (linear) degree
2.verb. estimate; speculate
Our agenda is to develop architecture that emerges from the combination of explicit and implicit design operations. This approach enables the negotiation of two often conflicting design methodologies: the deterministic global representation and the autonomous local organization. We challenge the dichotomy between the two and seek to develop a synthesis of coherent architectural synergy that could be engineered into irreducible constructions.

1.n. Form; condition; appearance
2.n. Ecological environment
3.n. State; condition
Beyond computational driven, we inquire about developing appropriate design products, in which design operations are dedicated to the realization of innovative and sustainable projects, rather than the manipulation of form which often leads to an excess of spectacle. This approach positions our practice within the domain of architectural discipline, and furthermore embraces the rich heterogeneity and flux of social, cultural, material and ecological substrates.


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We are hiring. Our open positions include: Architectural Designer (Project Architect, Architect and

 Assistant Architect), Interior Designer, Product Designer, Media Assistant, Intern.

Applicants shall send his/her resume and portfolio (in Pdf format, maximum 15Mb) to office@dot-a.net, with the note that the position he/she apply for and the date of joining.